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Fire Sprinkler System Myths Debunked

It's important to dispel myths surrounding these crucial safety devices, which can save lives and property in the event of a fire.

Myth: Water damage caused by fire sprinklers is more costly than fire damage. 

Fact: Sprinklers contain fires within a small area, minimizing water damage and preventing extensive fire damage.

Myth: If one sprinkler is triggered, all sprinklers will go off. 

Fact: Only sprinklers directly exposed to high heat will activate. 

Myth: Sprinklers are overly sensitive.

Fact: Sprinklers only activate under high heat and rarely malfunction. 

Myth: Sprinklers are ugly and obtrusive. 

Truth: Sprinklers can be designed to be aesthetically pleasing and blend with the building's architecture. 

Myth: Fire sprinklers cause freezing pipes. 

Truth: Sprinkler systems have freezing protection measures in cold climates. 

Myth: Sprinklers are expensive to install and maintain. 

Truth: The cost is offset by reduced insurance premiums and potential fire damage prevention.

Additional Information

While the article provides valuable information, there are some additional points to consider:

  • Types of fire sprinkler systems: Different types of sprinkler systems are available, each suited to specific needs.
  • Regular maintenance: Sprinkler systems require regular inspections and maintenance to ensure proper functioning. *Professional installation: Hiring qualified professionals for installation is crucial for optimal performance.


Fire sprinkler systems are vital for safeguarding lives and businesses.By understanding the facts and dispelling myths, we can promote their importance and encourage their wider adoption.Remember, the cost of installing a sprinkler system is minimal compared to the potential losses from a fire.

If the unexpected does happen, know that you're not alone. ServiceMaster Restore is committed to being by your side every step of the way to get your business on its feet as quickly as possible. Use our fire and smoke damage clean-up services and our water damage clean-up services to get your doors back open fast. Call us at 1-800-RESPOND!